Let us remember that the polarization in the US started decades ago with conservative hate radio and Fox news. Conservatives started it.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Election Post-Mortem
by Simon ini'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Village Idiot
Sam Harris on Trump - The Most Powerful Clown
by cofty inharris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Village Idiot
Good news: Trump is relying on Pence to do his job.
Bad news: Trump is relying on Pence to do his job.
Sam Harris on Trump - The Most Powerful Clown
by cofty inharris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Village Idiot
Never a jw, were you referring to me when you said Vidiot?
Sam Harris on Trump - The Most Powerful Clown
by cofty inharris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Village Idiot
"absolute jack ass" - Correct.
"liar that can only be found in a mental hospital" Incorrect. There are many liars, on his level, who are not in any mental institution.
"an awful person" Correct.
How many of us are there on this site?
by Alostpuppydog inanybody know how many members are on this site?
i am only a few days new and have read a lot and have received responses and have made a few posts.
i am just curious is there like around 100 or 1000 active posters a month?
Village Idiot
Ask Simon. He may be able to give you some info.
Is this another Trump backflip?
by fulltimestudent inwe've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Village Idiot
Fulltimestudent, when Trump says things like that its because his advisors have goaded him into saying it.
So I woke up and Trump was president
by notalone inso i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Village Idiot
@Cold Steel and Nathan Natas.
So what. A nation under Hillary is going to be the continuation of the status quo. A nation under Donald Trump is going to wreck the nation.
Face it, they're different in both degree and kind of malfeasance and putting out a laundry list of her misdeeds isn't going to change the fact that Trump is by far the worse. If you had any moral integrity you would have chosen a third party candidate or written somebody in.
Sam Harris on Trump - The Most Powerful Clown
by cofty inharris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Village Idiot
Garyneal,"Harris stated in one of his anti-Trump speeches that he would rather some random American be picked as the next president, even if he knows nothing about government or politics. I really don't see how that is much different than Trump."
Do you have the slightest idea of what you're saying? The average American is not a self-absorbed, narcissistic, scam artist with hundreds of lawsuits against him due to unpaid workers.
Election Post-Mortem
by Simon ini'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Village Idiot
...Hilary would have gone to war with Putin whilst Trump seems cosy to him.
...NATO without US are goosed and Europe will be there for the taking by Putin....and he knows it.
Do you realize the contradiction in your comment? You want Trump to be cozy to Putin while acknowledging his tyrannical behavior and danger to the world?
Election Post-Mortem
by Simon ini'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Village Idiot
I wonder how much pvssy Trump will try to grab now that he's President.